Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Congrats to Toni and Corey!!!

My friends Toni and Corey got ENGAGED last Friday!!!! I'm so excited for them :) I have known Toni since I was 2... her grandma watched us both at her house down the street from where I lived...and we have been friends ever since! We were definitely both lucky to be able to grow up together and grow together through all the stages of our lives. Since I moved to San Diego two years ago, we have been far apart distance wise - but I know we will always be best friends no matter how apart we live from one another.

I was lucky enough to be there the night Toni met Corey, and I have liked him ever since! I was so happy when they finally started dating about year ago because I think they are perfect for each other!!! Can't wait for the wedding next summer :) Congrats guys!!!

Toni and Corey

Toni and me

Friday, May 15, 2009

So proud of him!!!

Today Matt had his first solo flight after a year out of the cockpit. Right after he finished the rag last year, he was sent on IA to Iraq and wasn't able to fly while he was there. He is just doing a short refresher course back at the rag before he goes into a squadron in a few weeks, and today was his first flight by himself. We were both really excited and I drove to base and waited at the park at the end of the runway so I could see him.

It was so exciting, and I am SO proud of him for having such an amazing attitude over the past year with everything that has been going on! Next time maybe he can sneak me in his bag...I am so jealous he gets to do this all the time!!! ;)

Here are some pics I took of him taking off:

Monday, May 11, 2009

Gettin' Down on the Farm

I just got back from San Fransisco this Saturday, and had a blast up there on my aunt and uncle's new farm. They bought a 300+ acre farm north of SF in a town called Petaluma, and it is absolutely gorgeous!!! They are business owners who decided that family is very important and wanted to provide a place for our family and other families to come and work together for the greater good. They will also be selling organic produce and meat in order to pay for the farm and keep everything going. Things are just getting started but here is what they have so far:

6 1/2 cows, 1 full grown momma and her baby, two teenage cows, two new borns, and a mentally challenged cow who just hangs out with the others and enjoys turning in left circles...(long story)

94 3 week old chickens

10 pigs

The animals are all sooo cute....well, minus the momma cow who tried to butt the 4-wheeler! I had so much fun taking care of them and just watching them eat, play, and live happy lives. Of course all of the animals are being raised for meat, but I feel good knowing that they are being raised in a happy, healthy environment.

I was lucky enough to be able to see the birth of two cows while I was there and it was AMAZING! (Although it also looked very painful) Sadly, the first cow to be born was not alive upon delivery :( But, the vet reached back in to discover that the mom was pregnant with TWINS and the next cow was small, but healthy, and unbelievably cute! It is very rare for cows to have twins, and it is common for one of the twins to be disfigured, which is what happened to the first cow. Luckily, nature has a way of righting itself, and the cow was stillborn so it didn't have to be put down.

I was also lucky enough to be involved in rescuing another new born from being sold off to become veal! No matter what anyone says, it is still common practice for veal cows to be treated horribly, and lucky for this little guy, he will have a happy and healthy life for a few years to come :)

I got to teach the two new borns how to drink from a bottle...Although I think I got more milk on myself than I did in their tummy's at first! They caught on quickly though and are both thriving in their new environment with a foster mom (my mom, who is feeding them now).

It was so great to spend time in a place that isn't as crowded as San Diego, and to be able to spend time with my family and the animals! I am planning on going up there to live for a few months next time Matt deploys so that I can help out! :) I am working on a blog for the farm right now, so I will keep you all updated so you can see it when it's up!

Here are some pictures of my family and the farm: