I had an amazing weekend filled with lots of surfing, and spending time with friends! I went surfing on Saturday after my class with James, and his friend Matt, and then Stephanie came with us and went for a run on the beach while we all surfed. I had a blast!!! It was so nice getting back in the water after being gone for a month!
After surfing we had a bbq at James', which has come to be one of my favorite things to do!!! It's nice to just hang out, eat, and talk with everyone. It is really like my "family" time since none of my actual family is here, and Matt is gone too. I also spent a lot of time playing with Jack, Stephanie's little chihuahua, and think I made a new best friend! He is too cute, and not your typical crazy chihuahua. He is really friendly, and so playful, and I had a great time chasing him around the house :)
After sleeping in on Sunday, James called and said that they were buying Stephanie a wetsuit, and that they were all going to go surfing in the afternoon. I am always excited when more girls want to learn to surf, since I am usually the only girl out there, so I threw on my wetsuit and headed down there! Les and I got there a little late and it took me forever to find everyone! I almost gave up...and then I saw them out of the corner of my eye and paddled, for what seemed like an eternity, over to our group! I had so much fun surfing with everyone! Sarah came too, and her and Stephanie did great!!! I did great too and caught a lot of waves! I dropped into one wave and it was the most amazing feeling...I was beyond excited! We all sat there on our boards and watched the sunset together...talking and cheering each other on. It was absolutely amazing, and a moment I will never forget!!!
This week has been a bit hectic with school, the wedding, and just everyday things I have been doing. I had a freak out moment where I thought we were going to have to change the wedding location again because airfare is so expensive...and spent two days stressing over what to do! We ended up deciding to keep it where it is, thank God! We will just have to figure out plane tickets for people, and help them out if they are ridiculously expensive...which is no problem!
I have actually been looking at wedding pictures and videos of weddings at the same resort, and they are amazing! The place is just beautiful, and I can't wait for everyone to be there and share in this special moment.
I am sending in the deposit for the wedding tomorrow, and ordered our save the date magnets today! They should be here by October 12th, so I will be getting them out right away after that so people can book air and rooms, and get the best possible price.
Anyway, after the way the beginning of the week went, I was very glad when Stephanie and I decided to go out surfing today! We met in Cardiff, one of my favorite spots, and paddled out for about two hours. The weather was beautiful, the waves were perfect, and we saw a seal and dolphins swimming right next to us!!! We are both animal lovers, so this was the best thing ever :) We both caught lots of waves, and had so much fun! We watched the beautiful sunset, and then went back to her place and grabbed some food. We had a great time talking, and she is officially my new surf buddy / girl friend :) I really needed a stress release, and I couldn't have asked for a better night!
I was happy to find a message from Matt waiting for me when I got home! (as they are the highlight of my day) And am just finishing up some homework before I go to bed.
This week has actually been good, in that I am learning to combat stress with activities that make me healthier...like surfing, rollerblading, and running! (Yes, me..running...longer distances...it's a miracle!) I feel really healthy and in shape and happy too!
Oh yeah, I also sold my surfboard (since I am using Matt's) and am buying an acoustic guitar, and I am so excited to learn how to play! I am really proud of myself for doing so many of the things I have always wanted to do, and I can't wait for Matt to come home and do those things with me! It's gonna be even more wonderful than it already is now :)
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Surfing cures everything!!!
Posted by Kara at 10:53 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
A new day
After an interesting weekend that left me feeling a little angry, sad, and sick of being around drunk people, I decided that I would wake up on Monday morning with some new goals, and take the first steps toward a new and more fulfilling life! I did get up early, but ran some errands before embarking on my new exercise regime. While I was at the grocery store buying healthy food, my mom called and told me that she was up all night worrying about the wedding. Since my mom is usually not a worrier I was concerned. She went up to visit my aunt and uncle and was very disappointed in the condition of the farm where we were going to hold the wedding and reception, and that we needed to come up with a better plan. We did have a back up location, but that seems to have fallen through as well because it just isn't big enough, and does not reflect what I want for the wedding.
So....about an hour of brainstorming my mom and I came up with the idea to have the wedding in Mexico! I talked it over with Matt, my bridesmaids, and Matt's family and we have now officially moved the wedding south! We are thinking Cabo San Lucas right now, and are looking for a resort that will accommodate us and our friends and family. We still want to have a reception and everything...so I am very excited! I think Cabo is a better reflection of Matt and I anyway because we both love tropical weather, adventure, the ocean, ocean sports, swimming and the sunshine! Plus, we have always said that we want it to be a big party for everyone, and something that no one will forget...so I think Cabo is the perfect place!
I did eventually take my first steps on my journey to the new me yesterday afternoon. I rollerbladed around the bay for over an hour and got a great workout! I realized last Saturday when I was on my way to class that I want to be the kind of person who gets up early and starts their day with some sort of outdoor activity. As I drove by the bay I saw lots of people walking dogs, rollerblading, running, and biking on the great paths that are all around there, and instantly promised myself that I would do the same! Well, I felt great after my rollerblading session....so great that I am thinking about going again today! Maybe this will turn into an everyday thing rather than a three times a week thing.
I just love the weather here, and being outside in the sun and by the water. I had a great time just rollerblading along and taking in all of the beautiful parts of southern California! And to add the whole we are getting married in Cabo thing to it....well, it's just amazing!!!
I wanted to thank all of my friends who got to hear all about my weekend and how I felt about it! I don't know what I would do without my best friend, Matt, and my other best friends Cara and Toni. Thank you all for listening and being there for me when I needed you!!! I am so thankful to have all of you in my life, and cannot wait to continue this journey with you all!
Well, I am off to do some more rollerblading...Yay for the new me!!!
Posted by Kara at 5:04 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 5, 2008
I had an amazing time with my mom tonight fighting for something I believe in! We went and volunteered to help out at the McCain / Palin event tonight here in Michigan, and it was amazing! I have never really felt that politics were a personal issue or thing in my life. I was never really effected a whole lot by who was in office...and could really care less who got in. For many years I voted along with most of my family...not really knowing what the party stood for or anything. Over the past year my life has changed drastically. I moved away and found a new part of myself that I love! I also found a man that I love...and a new life with him, our friends, and the military. Now, politics are a personal issue for me...because the commander and chief of our country is who is leading my future husband, and the military as a whole. Other than the military, I have also found a deep passion for God, family, morals, and a more conservative view and belief for life in general. I have found myself right in the heart of the republican movement...and am beyond happy and proud to support McCain and Palin in this election. Here are some pics from the event:Tonight was an amazing experience...I met so many wonderful people who love the same things I do..like God, family, and our country...There were many emotional moments for me too, as I listened to various marines, navy guys, and veterans share their stories. The most powerful speech of the night was given by a single mom who raised her children by herself, and then supported them as the daughter became a missionary, and the son became a marine in order to serve his country. She emphasized how she worked hard...and how her hard work and love of God was passed down to her children. It was amazing to hear everyone's stories...ad to be surrounded by a ton of people who share the same views as I do.
It was great to share this experience with my mom also...as she is a new republican now too! I knew the moment I heard about the event that I had to go. I was more than proud to go and support people who support Matt...and all of our military!!! I talked to a lot of people, and told them all about Matt and how proud I am of him. I thought of all the people I know who are in the military, and how amazing they all are to love their country enough to make the sacrifices they all make. I think John McCain is a wonderful man...the way he not only survived being a pow but did it while leading the men around him is truly inspiring!!! And his love for our country is one that adds to my own passion for loving and supporting our amazing country.
I know that God led me to the convention...and led me back here to Michigan for a reason...and I am so glad I listened to Him and followed Him. I have found a new passion for supporting our military, and the political party and values that I believe in. In doing this, I have found a new connection with people all over the country, and a deep love for all of them. I am excited to take the energy from tonight and put it into making a difference in this world, however I can. Doing things I feel passionately about truly brings out the best in me...it brings out my strength and leadership and compassion and empathy and understanding more than anything else I can ever do! It makes me see who and what I am inside, and the amazing gifts God has blessed me with in order to make a difference in our world.
I want to thank Matt for inspiring me to go to this event in the first place...I thought about how he is over in Iraq working and sacrificing for our country, and realized that I needed to use my time and my life for a good cause too! This is nothing new...Matt has always inspired me, and brought out the very best in me...and I am forever grateful that I have him, and our wonderful friends in my life!!!
Posted by Kara at 7:24 PM 1 comments
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Flowers made me smile
I woke up this morning to a delivery truck at my door and a box willed with these:
...And a very sweet note from my wonderful fiance :) They were beautiful, and a great surprise! Haha...I wasn't the only one who liked them though...I put them in my room and someone else found them to be very amusing:
My sweet kitty poof found them and played with the little whispy green things forever! It was too cute! I had to remind her later, when she finally almost knocked them off the table, that they were for me...not her! ;) I absolutely loved the flowers...and love Matt even more! I am such a lucky girl to have him in my life, and it means the world to me that he is thinking about me and loving me all the way from Iraq!
I have had fun since I have been home...here are some of the pics from my various outings with friends:
I have enjoyed visiting Michigan...but after being gone for almost a month I really miss San Diego! I miss my friends, the ocean, our apartment and bedroom, surfing, the sunshine, and just feeling like I am at "home". I love my friends here, but have also changed a lot since I moved away a year ago. Instead of feeling at home here, I feel like San Diego is my true home now, and I can't wait to get back! :)
Since I have been home we have been on a camping river trip, gone to an allman brothers concert, visited my college and professors, hung out with my kitty and doggies and my family, got a new phone, and hung around with friends. This whole "vacation" has been so busy, and I am exhausted!
Tomorrow my mom and I are going to be volunteering at the John McCain event tomorrow, and working hard for something we both believe in. I am excited to see what McCain and Palin have to say, and to just do whatever I can to help out at the event.
Saturday and Sunday we are going to be wedding dress shopping, finally, and I am beyond excited! It will be fun to share this experience with my family and friends, and to finally feel like a real bride...I know when I see myself in a beautiful dress I will be super emotional because it will all really seem real that I have found the love of my life and will be marrying him in 7 months!
For now, I am just doing what I can to be there for my friends who need me, and to raise awareness that people need to support our troops in Iraq. I think all too often people forget that the people we love are out there fighting for them, and for people who cannot enjoy the same freedoms we do...and that they do it because they love all of us, and want us all to continue living the lives we love. No matter what anyone's views are on the war, or the president, or anything else...our loved ones are out there sacrificing their comfortable lives here, volunteering to be away from their families because they believe in our country, and are willing to protect it no matter what that may involve....and their families are here missing them, and waiting for the wonderful day when they finally get to come back home! We need to pray always for our military and their families...and let them know we are thankful for what they do each and every day.
Though some parts of being back in Michigan have been difficult...like realizing that I just don't fit in here anymore because I have changed so much...I have continually asked God to show me the purpose in me being here, and God has shown me that I am here just to be there for the people who need me. I am happy to have had many opportunities to talk with people and offer them support and encouragement that could possibly change their lives for the better...and I am so thankful to God for showing me that there is good and a purpose in every situation. I can't wait for God to show both Matt and I what our purpose in this life is together, and to live it out with him each and every day for the rest of our lives!!!
Posted by Kara at 8:15 PM 1 comments