I had an amazing time with my mom tonight fighting for something I believe in! We went and volunteered to help out at the McCain / Palin event tonight here in Michigan, and it was amazing! I have never really felt that politics were a personal issue or thing in my life. I was never really effected a whole lot by who was in office...and could really care less who got in. For many years I voted along with most of my family...not really knowing what the party stood for or anything. Over the past year my life has changed drastically. I moved away and found a new part of myself that I love! I also found a man that I love...and a new life with him, our friends, and the military. Now, politics are a personal issue for me...because the commander and chief of our country is who is leading my future husband, and the military as a whole. Other than the military, I have also found a deep passion for God, family, morals, and a more conservative view and belief for life in general. I have found myself right in the heart of the republican movement...and am beyond happy and proud to support McCain and Palin in this election. Here are some pics from the event:Tonight was an amazing experience...I met so many wonderful people who love the same things I do..like God, family, and our country...There were many emotional moments for me too, as I listened to various marines, navy guys, and veterans share their stories. The most powerful speech of the night was given by a single mom who raised her children by herself, and then supported them as the daughter became a missionary, and the son became a marine in order to serve his country. She emphasized how she worked hard...and how her hard work and love of God was passed down to her children. It was amazing to hear everyone's stories...ad to be surrounded by a ton of people who share the same views as I do.
It was great to share this experience with my mom also...as she is a new republican now too! I knew the moment I heard about the event that I had to go. I was more than proud to go and support people who support Matt...and all of our military!!! I talked to a lot of people, and told them all about Matt and how proud I am of him. I thought of all the people I know who are in the military, and how amazing they all are to love their country enough to make the sacrifices they all make. I think John McCain is a wonderful man...the way he not only survived being a pow but did it while leading the men around him is truly inspiring!!! And his love for our country is one that adds to my own passion for loving and supporting our amazing country.
I know that God led me to the convention...and led me back here to Michigan for a reason...and I am so glad I listened to Him and followed Him. I have found a new passion for supporting our military, and the political party and values that I believe in. In doing this, I have found a new connection with people all over the country, and a deep love for all of them. I am excited to take the energy from tonight and put it into making a difference in this world, however I can. Doing things I feel passionately about truly brings out the best in me...it brings out my strength and leadership and compassion and empathy and understanding more than anything else I can ever do! It makes me see who and what I am inside, and the amazing gifts God has blessed me with in order to make a difference in our world.
I want to thank Matt for inspiring me to go to this event in the first place...I thought about how he is over in Iraq working and sacrificing for our country, and realized that I needed to use my time and my life for a good cause too! This is nothing new...Matt has always inspired me, and brought out the very best in me...and I am forever grateful that I have him, and our wonderful friends in my life!!!
Thursday 13 :)
13 years ago
What an awesome experience, Kara! It's very cool that you know who are you voting for and are able to show your support like that. I'm waiting until the presidentail debates to really decide who is going to get my vote. Oddly enough, P is supporting Obama! I was pretty shocked by that!
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