Sunday, March 29, 2009

A love that cannot be earned...

Tonight I went back to my favorite church in San Diego and participated in a gathering of Christians that truly touched my heart. The message tonight was about God's love...and that the only way to reach God is through his son Jesus Christ. Because of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross, God's love cannot be earned, but is given freely to all of humanity. The sad thing about this free love is that many people don't know about it, or about Jesus' life and love for them. It got me thinking about how many people in my life don't know that I have a relationship with God and see Jesus' love each and every day in my life....And that my belief in God is too powerful to not tell other people about his wonderful love.

Christianity teaches us through the actual events of Jesus' life that there is nothing you can do to earn God's love, but that God's love is freely given, and all our sins are forgiven before we even commit them. There is nothing you have to do to get God to love you and bless you...and if you want to know him all you have to do is seek Him, and you will find Him.

Christianity was meant from the beginning to be the most inclusive religion in the world because Jesus didn't come to the earth and say: "I am dying to forgive the sins of the Jews," or "I am dying to save the people who are perfect," or "I am only dying to save those who are black or white or brown" Jesus came to the earth and died so that He could forgive the sins of EVERYONE, and pave the way for ANYONE to know God's amazing love.

Many times people perceive Christianity to be a religion that tries too hard to convince people to join the religion...But the following may help to explain why Christians are so adamant about spreading the word of Christ to the entire world.

I have known God since I was a very small girl...Almost as far back as I can remember. I went to church and learned about God and Jesus there, but my real relationship with Jesus started because God himself reached out to me and let himself be known to me. I had an understanding of God and what His love meant to me at such a young age, and it was this knowing God and understanding His amazing love that truly saved my life over and over again as I grew up and faced the hardships that came my way. I was the happiest in my life when I felt close to God...and without Him, I know that I would not be living the life I am blessed to live today.

If you were me and you experienced the same life-changing love and happiness that I experienced in knowing Jesus, then you would come to understand why I want to tell people all about Christianity, and why I would want them to be able to experience the same unconditional love that I have experienced. People are passionate about Jesus because He has truly made a difference in their lives...and if you believe in Him and seek a relationship with Him then you will see His love...which has been with you your whole life. Jesus came to die for forgive your sins, and offer His amazing love to YOU.

I first read what is now my favorite bible verse on Cara's blog...and I wanted to share it with you too! It's Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

God has plans for You...wonderful plans that include His amazing, freely given love. There's nothing you can do to make God love you...He loved you before you were even born...and He will love you everyday of your life no matter what!

My hope is that all of you can come to know God, or strengthen the relationship you already have with Him...and always see His amazing love in your life.


Stephanie said...

What a beautiful post!!
Great words of wisdom and truth!!!

Kimmie said...

Your post brought tears to my eyes chica. Everytime I speak to God or see the amazing things he does in everyones lifes, I tear up and I love that because I know I am being touched each time.
I think its wonderful that you want to share Gods word to the world and I wish everyone was confident enough to do the same. I know I love talking about God and what he has done for my life and I try to put a piece of him in the majority of my recent conversations with friends.
Again, thank you so much for sharing :)