After picking out Clifford last weekend, we have been counting down the weeks until we can go back and finally bring him home! Our breeder Cathy sent us some updated pictures of the puppies tonight, and they are SO cute!!!'s gonna be so hard to wait another two weeks! We are beginning to get everything Clifford will need, and to puppy proof the house, though, so it's good that we have some time to prepare for the first addition to our family :) We will keep you all updated as we get closer to "P-DAY" (puppy day).
Here are the pics...the only problem is that they all look so much alike, we can't tell for sure which one is Clifford! They are all super cute though ;)
We think he might be the little guy sleeping by the frog in the second pic...
We think he might be the little guy sleeping by the frog in the second pic...
Which one do you think is Clifford?

Pretty sure that's him napping by the frog...we will have to get him one when he comes home! Gosh, lab puppies are the cutest little things in the whole world, aren't they? Can't wait!!!

How could anyone not think they are the cutest things alive? Now once they start ripping things up the cuteness factor goes down....until....they look at you with those sad puppy face eyes and its impossible to be mad, haha.
Ohhhh, these pics have my puppy biological clock ticking again! Shiner needs a sibling!!
OK, back to reality, two labs would demolish my house. :)
Clifford is so cute and I can't wait for you guys to pick him up!!
Oh Cara is too funny! :)
They all look so stinking cute! I'm not a huge dog lover (dont hate me please! lol), but those pups look ADORABLE!
Come on 2 weeks!!
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