Monday, May 5, 2008

About Matt...

I couldn't possibly write an update about my life without mentioning Matt. We actually met a month after I moved to San Diego, but I didn't really hang out with him until much later. A friend of mine who I met in San Diego through some other Michigan people lived across the hall from Matt and his roommate, and he introduced me to Matt back in September. I remember walking into this apartment filled with cute guys, and immediately calling Toni and telling her that she better get her butt out here so we could go hang out with all of them. But...she was way back in Michigan and I didn't have the guts to go hang out with the cute boys by myself.

I ended up talking to Matt over Myspace a few months later, and even sent him a message saying that I only wanted to be friends with him after he kind of asked me out. I thought he was a nice guy, but I had given up on ever finding a real relationship with any guy in San Diego, so I just wanted to be friends. I found out later that our first meeting gave Matt the impression that I was mean...because I didn't really say anything or look very happy. But really I was just surprised to see so many cute guys in one room, and nervous to be meeting all of them too.

By November Matt and I were talking more, and we ended up going on our first date while my mother was in town visiting. It was so nice to have her there, even though she did the mom thing...trying to get me to wear her lipstick, making sure my shirt wasn't too revealing, and making fun of me for being so nervous. It was great! Although, at dinner Matt still thought I was mean because I was kind of shy and quiet...Really I was just afraid that my first real date in forever would turn out to be with a typical San Diego guy, which are typically selfish, arrogant, controlling, immature, party boys. But it didn't take me long to realize that Matt was different, and that I could just be myself with him.

The rest is history...things have been getting better and better as time goes by. I am so thankful that God brought me Matt. He is the most amazing guy I have ever known, and I cannot express my feelings for him in words. About a year ago last December I began praying that God would lead me to the person I was meant to marry. I prayed and prayed for that person every day, even though I didn't know him yet. But I knew God knew who he was, and that God would bring me to him. Matt always knows how to make me smile, and has brought such happiness to my life. He is more then I could have ever dreamed of...and I don't know what I would do without him.

I am blessed beyond my wildest expectations to be able to spend my time with Matt, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us and for our relationship.


Cara said...

You guys are perfect for each other. :)

Anonymous said...

awwww. you two seem meant to be together. you have to introduce me to this guy. sounds like a great dude. he better treat you great or else im movin in! i know a great thing when i see it. yeee