Saturday, May 3, 2008

A few weeks in paradise

Well, this is my first post in my new blog. I came to San Diego about 10 months ago to start a new life, but I never expected it to be this great! I have found great friends, a wonderful boyfriend, an amazing school where I am doing my master's and where I am learning all about what I love, a loving new family to work for with great kids, and overall happiness in my life. I am a writer at heart and just couldn't go another day without writing about this amazing new life that I absolutely love!!!

Matt and I just got back from an amazing vacation! I met him in Orlando first, where I got to meet his parents and sister. They are all really friendly and great. I thought I would actually be nervous meeting them for the first time, but I wasn't. I think that really showed me a lot about myself, and about my relationship with Matt. First, I have really come to trust myself and love who I am. I didn't feel like I had to be another person in order to get his parents to like me, and I was really comfortable while I was at their house. Second, I trust Matt so when he told me that his parents were friendly and would love me, I knew that they would. It was really great to meet them and his sister not only because they are all so friendly, but because it was a big step in our relationship. I think that there will always be some sort of conflict between parents and their children...but it will make our lives so much easier in the future if we both get along with each other's parents! Now we just have to get my parents out here to met Matt!!! (Don't worry, they will love him!)

From Orlando we headed up to North Carolina to stay with Matt's friend from the academy, and his wife. We went to dinner and hung out with their neighbor, a former marine. It might have sounded boring to a lot of girls, but the boys all talked about their experiences in the academy and doing their marine training stuff. It was actually hilarious to hear their stories, and gave me more of an insight into what it is really like being a marine. I actually had a great time!

From there we drove up to Virginia to see the Durnins and Matt's friends Brian and Frank. It was really great to see Cara and Patrick! We all had dinner and then Cara and I walked on the beach and made pancakes in the morning. It was so wonderful to be able to visit with them again. I met Cara and Patrick through Matt in December. Patrick is in the Navy, and was doing training with Matt in Texas and at Miramar. I knew right from the beginning that Cara and I would be friends. Not only did we have the same name, but we also had a lot in common! I got to hang out with Cara for a few months before her and Patrick had to go and join the fleet in VA, and we had a ton of fun! She was the first real girl friend I made here in San Diego, and I know that we will always be friends, even if we live so far away.

We also got to hang to with Frank for a few hours before leaving VA. He is Matt's friend and has been in Japan for a long time. He just happened to be there while we were there, so Matt and him got to catch up over lunch! He is one of Matt's best friends, and will be moving to San Diego in August! That is really exciting because most of his friends are stationed on the east coast, and now Frank will be here and they will be able to hang out! We also saw Brian, another one of Matt's friends who is coming to CA too! He is a really great guy, and his girlfriend's name is Cara too!!!

From VA we drove back down to South Carolina and stayed a night in Charleston. We got to see the carrier, a submarine, and some other military memorial stuff, which was really cool!

Then we headed back down to Orlando and went swimming in the springs that Matt grew up swimming in as a little boy. It was a great day, and we had lots of fun just floating around. We also paddled down another spring and river and I got to see the places where Matt hung out when he was younger. We stopped for lunch along the river, and then paddled back down the river while it rained. It was absolutely amazing...I didn't realize how much I missed being out in nature being in San Diego. There are beautiful beaches and things like that, but there is something magical about being back in the river surrounded by nothing but woods. I love San Diego, but I am also looking forward to the day that Matt will be stationed on the East coast again so that we can both live in an area more like the ones we both grew up in.

On our way down to the keys we stopped at my great aunt's house in Englewood, FL. It was great to see her and to have Matt meet more people in my family. We went swimming in the ocean, which was great because its too cold and wavy to just swim in SD, and then went out to diner for Grandma Franie's birthday. Then, after a brief trip to the ER for me, (just ask if you really want to know) we finally headed down to the keys!!!

The drive down to the keys was great! It is absolutely beautiful and I have always wanted to do it. The water was a million colors of blue, and the palm trees were the brightest green I have ever seen. We spent the rest of the week at an amazing hotel and hung out in the little town. We got to rent a hobbie cat and sail it up and down the beach, and went snorkeling! We saw the cutest turtle, who actually came right up to us and hung out right by us for a while. Matt also saw a few sharks, and tried to point them out, but I just sort of convinced myself that they weren't there....haha! Unfortunately, Matt got sick and we just rested a lot toward the end of our time in the keys, but it was still amazing! A couple of trips to the Naval medical clinic later....It was time to go back to Orlando, and then back to SD.

Our huge road trip was absolutely amazing!!! We were able to talk for hours and hours, experience new things together, and do some of the things we both love. We also learned to trust each other and depend on each other since we were both sick and had to be taken care of. I really felt as if I was "home" on the East coast, and it was really hard to leave and come back to San Diego. can't last forever, and we will most likely be living on the East coast before we know it.

Now, we have been back for a week and just trying to get used to life again. I start my new job on Monday with a great new family. The kids are easy to watch, and they have the cutest yellow lab, Hank. I start my second semester of grad school next week, and I will be very busy between work and school. Matt is still sick, and is just waiting to join a squadron as soon as one opens up. So, we really have no idea what he will be doing until then. Depending on which one he goes in to, he should be deploying around January or February, which gives us at least a little time to spend with one another before he has to be gone for a while. I am looking forward to moving closer to where he lives, and closer to the beach in June! I am hoping to just get a one bedroom and be able to live by myself for a few months, so I am very excited to be looking at potential apartments.

Other than that....there are a million other things I could write down about my life over the past 10 months, but I will save that for my next few posts!!!


Cara said...

I'm so excited that you have a blog now!! :)

Why were you in the ER!? Did you tell me this story already? I think my brain has reached its maximum capacity.

I can't WAIT to see you in two weeks!!