Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Durnin House

Well I am finally here in Virginia staying at the Durnin house with Cara and Shiner! I am so excited to be here, and am looking forward to spending the next couple months hanging out with Cara. Our first weekend was already lots of fun! I was so happy that our friend Ashley was in town, and we were all able to hang out and go to the worst karaoke bar ever...which was extremely entertaining! The rest of our weekend was filled with the new guitar hero for wii, which we beat in less than a day! For those of you who don't know guitar hero has been a tradition among our friends for the past year, and was our favorite thing to do when we were all in San Diego last year :)

I am having lots of fun with Cara and Shiner, and am so glad to be here! I was watching tv today and a show came on about a woman having her second baby. I have seen this show before, and usually its a really happy story about a couple having a baby...but today the story was filled with sadness. The woman began talking about how when she was months pregnant, two soldiers showed up at her door and informed her that her husband would not be coming home from his deployment. I watched for a few more minutes until the tears started rolling down my face and decided to change the channel. Things like that just hit a little too close to home, and are hard to even comprehend.

The show got me thinking, though, about life and about God. I know that God loves all of His children, and that He only wants the best for them...a life filled with happiness, faithfulness, and love. People often question God when bad things when they lose a loved one, or a natural disaster happens, or when life seems to be overwhelming and suffering is all around. I often think about everything that God has blessed me with...especially Matt and our friends and family, and our amazing life together, and this happiness and love that is in my heart, and I wonder why I am so blessed with an amazing man in my life...while others more deserving than me are having to say goodbye to the love of their life forever. I cannot begin to understand the pain of the woman in the show...or the pain of anyone who loses their loved one to a war. But I know that if given the choice...I would rather have to feel that pain and have experienced having Matt, the love of my life, in my life...than never having to feel that pain, and never have had the experience of having him close to me, and filling my heart and my life with a love I have never known before, and could never know with anyone except him.

Of course I have faith that God will continue to bless Matt and I with along and love-filled life together, and bless us with an amazing family of our own...and I try not to worry about the "what if's) in our future...because no matter what our future brings, I am already the happiest, and most blessed girl ever...and my life will be filled with joy and love forever because I have known Matt and have had him as a part of my life. I love him so much, and will be thankful to God for bringing him into my life forever!

God gives us amazing moments and people and relationships because He loves us...and along with the love and happiness of life also comes life's sufferings. God does not want us to suffer because He is angry, or because He doesn't care anymore...suffering is just a part of life. God blesses us with the happy times, and amazing, loving people that change our lives for the better...and forever...because He love us and knows that we all need light to counter the dark parts of life. All we have to do is take advantage of every "light" in our lives...let the light soak into our hearts and souls...let it fill us with a love that could never die...and the dark parts of life will never overwhelm us.


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